April 14 2022

What to Expect from the New Witcher Game?

The Witcher, a franchise that revolves around monster hunting and dark fantasy, has been dormant for a while now. It’s not coming back any time soon, so fans are forced to wait for a new game that will explore the universe of Geralt of Rivia and his Merry Men in any way they can. CD Projekt Red, the people behind the Witcher series, is currently working on Cyberpunk 2077, but that doesn’t mean they have no other ideas on their minds.

The Witcher isn’t the only game in the franchise, so it’s safe to assume that there will be more than one game telling the stories of Geralt and his friends. With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about the new The Witcher game. In the meanwhile, you can visit ICE Casino and check out their offerings.

The New IP is Already in Development

CD Projekt Red has made it clear that they’re not done with The Witcher franchise. They have confirmed that a new game is in development, which will explore the universe of Geralt of Rivia and his Merry Men in a new way.

The new IP is currently in development and has been for quite some time now. This was most likely done because Cyberpunk 2077 is still being developed, and they want to focus on releasing the new game before anything else. It’s safe to say that the game will be grittier than its predecessors, considering the setting of it. All we know so far is that it will take place in an open-world environment with a nonlinear story where players will also be able to explore different regions outside of the main questline.

The Game Is Currently Known as The Witcher

The Witcher, the game that is currently in development, does not have an official title yet. CD Projekt Red has simply been referring to it as The Witcher for now. It’s unclear when or if the Polish developer will announce a new name for the game.

It’s Going to be an RPG

The Witcher series is known for being an RPG, and it looks like the new game will be no different. The new game will also have a world that is 30 times bigger than what was in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which should make things interesting.

It’s Being Developed for the PC

CD Projekt Red, the developer behind The Witcher 3, has always been PC-centric. They don’t care about consoles, and they never will, so it should come as no surprise that the new game is being developed for the PC first and foremost. The Witcher games are known for their third-person perspective (TPP), and the developer has confirmed that this is still the case with their next game.

The Release Date Is Still Unknown

The studio behind the Witcher franchise, CD Projekt Red, has been very tight-lipped about the release date for their new game. They’ve done a great job of remaining silent about it, only releasing small bits of information from time to time.

But some people have made guesses as to when we might see Geralt’s next adventure. One thing that could give us a clue is the release date for Cyberpunk 2077. Another thing to keep in mind is that CD Projekt Red has confirmed they are working on two games at once. This means they must be hard at work on one of their upcoming titles, which could mean that The Witcher will come out sooner rather than later!

Over time, we can expect the game to become more mature and darker than its predecessors, which means that it may not be the best idea to show it to younger audiences.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a dark fantasy, not to mention Geralt is a borderline sociopath. But, the newest game in the series maybe even darker than its predecessors. CD Projekt Red, the developers of The Witcher, have confirmed that they are focusing on making the new game mature and more violent. Their goal is to push the limits of what’s acceptable in games, especially when it comes to violence. This means that they want to make it as brutal and realistic as possible. With this being said, over time, we can expect the game to become more mature and darker than its predecessors, which means that it may not be the best idea to show it to younger audiences.

The Witcher games have not only seen tremendous commercial success, selling millions of copies worldwide but also have been widely liked and have formed a crucial part of today’s gaming culture. Given the positive reception and the commercial success, it’s no wonder that a new entry in the series is finally in development. With time and patience, we can know what is in store for the game’s loyal players.


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Elle Gellrich